InstruMonumental Complex

Timelines and Positioning

The Complex presents itself outright as a very large project requiring significant investment. Neither France nor Europe seem to offer similar structures although the Parc de la Villette was an educational musical journey ?

A scattering of experiments have touched the various fields of applied music. The complex is therefor an unique and original concept.

According to the above ambition previously mentioned establishing the complex will follow certain rules and pre established conditions.

  1. A disused industrial area ready for conversion and for easy access.
  2. A significant surrounding population with good national and international access.
  3. A likely integration in a larger regional development plan
  4. Presence at a local level of a network of structures and individuals capable of carrying the development through it's entire creation
  5. A strong industrial presence
The project must be carried through by a strong innovating political will.


Musical extract in accompaniment of the visit
(in RealAudio)
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"De tout temps"

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